Archive: Past Events
June 28-29, 2023: Virtual Meeting: Pharmacy-Centered HIV Research: Current Landscape and Future Frontiers
This event, organized by the NIH HIV and Pharmacy Planning Group, explored optimal ways to integrate pharmacists and pharmacies into HIV prevention, treatment, and care strategies. Speakers and attendees included representatives from across the U.S. government, community, academia, and the business sector. A summary and videos of the event are available on the event webpage.
June 22, 2023: 63rd Meeting of the Office of AIDS Research Advisory Council (OARAC)
OARAC convened its 63rd meeting to hear updates on HIV research. OARAC provides advice to the OAR director on the planning, coordination, and evaluation of research and other HIV activities conducted or supported by NIH. Watch this meeting on demand, or read a summary of the meeting.
April 24, 2023: OAR 2023 Workshop for Early Career Investigators in HIV
OAR, in collaboration with NIH institutes, centers, and offices that have HIV/AIDS research budgets, hosted a workshop for early career investigators (ECIs) focused on HIV research.
February 19-22, 2023: Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) 2023
OAR attended CROI, which highlighted several key areas of HIV research, including sessions on HIV pediatric cure, HIV and aging, and more.
February 18, 2023: OAR-ORWH Women & HIV Symposium: Considerations from Across the Lifespan
OAR and the NIH Office of Research on Women’s Health (ORWH) co-sponsored a symposium at the 13th International Workshop on HIV & Women 2023. During the symposium, OAR and ORWH launched the joint HIV and Women Signature Program to advance HIV research for cisgender women, transgender women, and people assigned female at birth. Read the OAR Director’s Blog post or Executive Summary on the event.
December 1, 2022: World Aids Day 2022
On Dec. 1, 2022, OAR hosted federal leaders, distinguished guests, and the broader HIV research community for a live virtual discussion, broadcast on NIH VideoCast, to mark World AIDS Day 2022, with a focus on Progress and Promise in HIV Research.
October 8–11, 2022: OAR Session at 2022 U.S. Conference on HIV/AIDS (USCHA)
OAR joined the United States Conference on HIV/AIDS (USCHA) from October 8–11, 2022, in San Juan, Puerto Rico. OAR activities included a presentation from Maureen M. Goodenow, Ph.D., then Associate Director for AIDS Research and Director of the NIH Office of AIDS Research (OAR), and NIH colleagues about the NIH HIV research program and the role of OAR. A Listening Session seeking input on HIV research priorities followed. Additional OAR activities included two additional Listening Sessions with the local community and a site visit to an NIH-funded preclinical research center. Spanish-speaking OAR staff were available to facilitate discussions in both Spanish and English.
September 15, 2022: Navigating Early Career Funding Opportunities
OAR participated in this virtual conference that exposed early stage investigators to the opportunities that await them at NIH, from fellowships to career development awards and how to identify opportunities that will help them achieve their career goals.
July 29–Aug. 2, 2022: AIDS 2022
NIH OAR joined the world's largest gathering on HIV at the 24th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2022) in Montreal, Canada. The hybrid event presented an opportunity to showcase HIV research around the globe, innovative approaches to HIV prevention and care, and the U.S. government’s ongoing commitment to ending HIV at home and abroad. OAR staff participated in two satellite sessions. at the conference – to launch a special issue of the American Journal of Public Health and to host a satellite session on implementation science tied to a special issue of the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes.
April 25, 2022: NIH OAR 2022 Workshop for Early Career Investigators
On April 25, 2022, OAR, in conjunction with several NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices, hosted a workshop for early career investigators (ECIs) who focus on HIV research. Students, postdoctoral fellows, and new investigators were invited to attend. Due to the high demand, OAR is planning a second workshop in 2023. Presentations from this session are available by emailing
December 1, 2021: NIH World AIDS Day 2021 Virtual Event: The Role of Research in the National HIV/AIDS Strategy
2021 marked 40 years since the first reports of the syndrome of diseases later defined as AIDS. Since that time, groundbreaking research has helped turn a once-fatal disease, with effective treatment, into a manageable chronic condition. The National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) highlighted the important role of research in continued progress toward ending the HIV pandemic and improving the health of people with or affected by HIV. These efforts will require robust research collaboration among private, public, and community entities to prevent new HIV infections, accelerate new therapies, and achieve HIV cure. The World AIDS Day event featured compelling discussions about the next chapter of high-impact HIV research, the types of multisectoral and interdisciplinary partnerships necessary for success, and the integral role of community stakeholders.
June 5, 2021: NIH Recognizes the First Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Related to AIDS
On June 5, 2021, OAR joined colleagues around the world to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the landmark CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) that first recognized the disease later named AIDS. More than 40 years ago, on June 5, 1981, the MMWR reported five cases of people in Los Angeles, California, who were ill with Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, catalyzing a global effort that led to the identification HIV, which causes AIDS. Over these past 40 years, much of the progress to guide the response to HIV has emerged from research funded by the NIH – and helped turn a once-fatal disease into the manageable chronic illness that it is today. OAR conducted a communications campaign that continued through the NIH World AIDS Day commemoration on December 1, 2021.
May 13, 2021: NIH Webinar Series: Moving from Hepatitis Discovery to Elimination
NIH Webinar Series: Moving from Hepatitis Discovery to Elimination
NIH and the Coalition for Global Hepatitis Elimination launched the NIH Webinar Series: Moving from Hepatitis Discovery to Elimination to highlight ongoing research that can benefit elimination efforts, support translation of research into implementation, and identify additional research needs.
March 18, 2021: HIV in Rural America
On March 18, 2021, Maureen M. Goodenow, Ph.D., participated in the HIV in Rural America webinar, which featured a conversation based on research presented in The Lancet’s Special Issue: HIV in the USA. The event was hosted by the West Virginia Clinical and Translational Science Institute.
December 1, 2020: World AIDS Day 2020 – Science and Community: Working Together to Prepare for the Unexpected
On December 1, 2020, OAR hosted the virtual NIH World AIDS Day Observance Science and Community: Working Together to Prepare for the Unexpected, with a focus on building the capacity of current and future generations of HIV researchers and advocates.
September 22, 2020: HIV, COVID-19 and Health Disparities
A Director’s Scientific Briefing on HIV, COVID-19 and Health Disparities was conducted on September 22, 2020. The seminar comprised three invited speakers who presented from different perspectives on the intersection of HIV, COVID-19, and health disparities. A Q&A followed the presentations.
July 13–September 18, 2020: HIV-Related Intersectional Stigma Research Advances & Opportunities (HIVIS) Workshop
The NIH Office of AIDS Research (OAR) and the National Institute of Mental Health Division of AIDS Research (NIMH DAR) co-organized a three-phase HIVIS workshop from July 13th through September 18th, 2020. Co-chaired by Dr. Maureen M. Goodenow, NIH OAR Director, and Dr. Dianne Rausch, NIMH DAR Director, the workshop included over 100 participants representing research, community, program/policy, and other sectors. The workshop aimed to advance HIV prevention and treatment science, inform the Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) initiative, and bolster HIV efforts worldwide. The workshop summary report describes the workshop’s phases, activities, and outcomes. Visit NIMH to find all of the HIVIS Workshop deliverables, including the recordings and transcripts.
July 6–10, 2020: AIDS 2020
OAR was pleased to be part of the NIH community that participated in AIDS 2020 and to organize a virtual satellite session, The Impact of NIH HIV/AIDS Research and Discovery at the Intersection of Prevention, Treatment, and Disparities Across the Lifespan. The session is publicly available on the AIDS 2020 website. Please find the link to the pre-recorded and live segments. Multidisciplinary scientists shared unique insights, research findings, and experiences that will improve understanding of how the global and the domestic HIV epidemics can inform each other and accelerate epidemic control.
August 27, 2019: NIH Office of AIDS Research Offered New HIV/AIDS Prize in 2019 DEBUT Challenge
The National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB), in association with VentureWell, conducted the 2019 Design by Biomedical Undergraduate Teams (DEBUT) challenge to recognize undergraduate excellence in biomedical design and innovation. With OAR’s support, DEBUT offered a new $15,000 HIV/AIDS prize for a project that was judged to be the strongest in developing an engineering or technologically based solution to a current HIV/AIDS prevention and/or health care problem. Entries by undergraduate teams were judged on the significance of the problem being addressed, the impact on potential users and clinical care, innovative design, and a working prototype. The submission deadline was May 31, 2019. Winners were announced on August 27, and winning teams were honored at an award ceremony during the Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society in October 2019. Read on for more information about the 2019 DEBUT challenge and 2018 winning entries.
July 23, 2019: OAR BSSR-focused symposium at IAS 2019
The OAR hosted a behavioral and social sciences (BSSR) focused symposium at the 10th International AIDS Society (IAS) Conference on HIV Science on July 23, 2019, in Mexico City. The symposium titled “Approaches and Opportunities in HIV-related Behavioral and Social Sciences Research: A View from the National Institutes of Health” informed and updated the IAS conference attendees on NIH supported priorities and opportunities in HIV/AIDS-related behavioral and social sciences research (BSSR). Top international researchers and NIH AIDS leadership provided an overview of NIH HIV-related BSSR and insights into future directions of the NIH AIDS Research Program. OAR Director Dr. Maureen M. Goodenow chaired the symposium. This symposium supports IAS Conference Track D, “Social, behavioral and implementation science.”
This page last reviewed on June 26, 2024